There was a lot of rain last week. I don't mean it rained a couple of hours. It rained inches and there was hail. Luckily none of my plants were terrible damaged (perhaps traumatized ). The picture below is from my bedroom window and I was trying to capture the rivers that were flowing in, through and around my garden. For those of you that are wondering, I am not keeping trash in the garden, it has potting soil in it.
The other excitement this week is that some creature has discovered my lettuce. It is delicious so I understand. Next year or this fall I will need to protect it better and also learn to thin it out. My philosophy this year was survival of the fittest but I 'm not sure that applies in this situation.
The two newest editions to the beds near the house are dill and basil. I didn't grow these from seed myself. I have learned that lesson. Allow the professionals to start them for me.

Th rest of these pictures are just updates on progress. Speaking of progress, I have moved into week two of the Couch to 5k program and I'm still alive. Sorry no pictures of that, it's still really scary looking.
Squash and Zucchini |
Tomatoes |
Green Bean |
Sweet Potato |
Lemon Cucumber |
Cantaloupe |