Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Potato Party

Saturday with the help of two lovely ladies I actually planted something.  It was not casual nor was it easy but there are potatoes in the ground.  After all the time, effort and money invested in the bamboo removal guess what we had to do before we could plant.  yep you got it, dig up more bamboo.  I hope this picture captures the epic battle...

After 45 minutes or so of digging out bamboo roots an hurling rocks, the potatoes went into the ground.  For those of you who don't know (I certainly didn't) when you want to grow potatoes, you just put potatoes in the ground.  Amazing huh?

The planting for the day was also to include Kaleidoscope Carrots from our friends at Burpee but because mother nature decided she would make an attempt at spring with overnight freeze warnings decided to delay a little longer.  

Also because of this weather update and the need to till the garden before planting any seeds my assistants and I transplanted the eggplant and green peppers to make room in the seed starter the cauliflower. 
I hope they survive!

I knew going into this that I was going to encounter some nature, that's the point right?  Little did I know it would not be in the garden but up on the patio while letting the dog out.  Now, I did find him dead on the ground and moved him (with gloves on of course) for the full effect of the photo.  

I didn't want to end there for those of you that are now deeply disturbed and will comment and email me about the nightmares I have caused so here is a highlight.

Friday after work I stopped at the grocery store on the way home for my typical frozen pizza and adult beverages to celebrate the week's end.  It seems that New Belgium Brewing and I are on the same page.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you have a Friday night frozen pizza and beer tradition!
